With a grand fort as the backdrop and a wedding procession that boasted of TV’s favourite faces, actors Juhi Parmar and Sachin Shroff tied the knot in Jaipur recently. The timing of the occasion was also perfect, it being the day right after Valentine’s Day.
Looking resplendent in a red
Juhi, who is a Jaipur girl, was every bit the pictureperfect traditional bride. “I’m very happy. I’ve been waiting for this day for years,” said her mother, Hemlata Parmar. The levels of excitement were also equally high on the groom’s side, with Sheetal Ramkrishnani, Sachin’s sister, dancing energetically in the baarat for a long time. “I’m really excited. I love everything about this Rajasthani wedding,” said Sheetal.
The couple was visibly excited too, and Sachin confessed, “I’m on cloud nine.” The bride and the groom came to the mandap in palanquins and the wedding had a royal feel to it. While exchanging garlands, Sachin planted a peck on Juhi’s cheek. Fully, soap opera
The do also saw a host of TV stars in attendance. Rita Bhaduri, Sharad Kelkar with wife Keerti, Mihir and Manini Dey Mishra, Tina and Hussain, Sonia Singh, Nupur Joshi and Aditi Shirwaikar were all seen enjoying themselves.